Give a Bone Project

When you purchase Particular-Paws dog treats you will be supporting the Give a Bone Project. Once a month we hit the streets of the Vancouver downtown east side and hand out bags of treats and pet supplies to dogs we meet who live on the streets and in the area.

If you live in the lower mainland and would like to donate used dog supplies or food please send the Give a Bone Project society an email at [email protected]. We will pick the supplies up from you and give them directly to dogs in need. Also, if you would like to know the date and time of the next upcoming giveaway, please send us an email.

Particular-Paws is also a proud donor and participant of the Vancouver Humane Society's "Because They Matter" outreach event coming up on July 21st, 2024. You can sponsor us for this event to help make a difference to the lives of people and animals in crisis. We will be handing out leashes, harnesses, dog treats and blankets to individuals and pets living on the streets in Vancouver's downtown east side. We will also be sharing information with people who are placed-at-risk on how they can access essential veterinary care. You can donate using the link below:

Meet Some Of The Dogs We Have Given Treats and Supplies To





